Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Steps for Writing a Salary Increment Letter

Steps for Writing a Salary Increment Letter.
Decide why you need letter?
  1. Decide whether you need to write a letter for salary increment
  2. What are the reasons that you need salary increment (find out some solid reasons)
  3. Whom you need to address in the salary increment letter (find out the right person)
How to write a good salary increment letter. All the steps for writing a salary increment letter are mentioned below.
  1. Subject Line: Do not mention the direct words in the subject line for specific salary increment. Like “I need salary increment of $2000 from August 2012″. The best way is to mention indirect words like “I am writing for promotion”,”Application for Promotion and Increments”, “Application for Benefits Increment”.
  2. Normally first paragraph of any letter mentions the purpose of the letter. But if you want to adopt a better way for your salary increment you must describe your achievements, expertise, education and working experience. Like “I am working as Manager Marketing and during the year of 2012 I achieved all the impossibles because of my experience, qualification and expertise”.
  3. In the second paragraph you need to mention your desired increment by using indirect words. In this way you may get more increment then you expect. But if you mention the exact increment that you want then there are chances that you may lose. Because if you get the same as you mentioned you might admire double or you may lose the step for negotiations.
  4. In the closing paragraph always be thankful or grateful for you are writing to. Like I will be thankful, I will be grateful, etc. A good letter can benefit you more than your expectations. In a good letter you can easily demonstrate your achievements in words and convey your demands very easily.

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